Why am I here????

Okay, yeah I made it to 35 with no kids, no ex-wife, and little baggage. I am just an average guy doing average things and dating. So, I will start with dating SUX!! I absolutely hate it! Yeah its fun to meet new people, but you can do that at the grocery store. Yep, you get to go to new places, but you can do that anytime you want with the flip of a coin. Yes, you get to have new experiences,...but you can light a bottle rocket in the zipper of your jeans and I promise new experiences will follow (Umm no I haven't tried this yet). Let's just say that I am experiencing enough.
So as we get a start here I will give you a little background. If I get a huge following on this blog and groupies too, it's better if you and the groupies know where I am coming from and who I am. My name is Dave. I am 35. I own a small business (umm a very small, but at least I don't have to be at work by 8 or be fired NANA NANA BOO BOO). I do however have to work 653 hours a week to stay in business, but thats not important right now.....
I am pretty average as my picture shows (except the great muscles, handsome goo d looks and obvious personality). I like sports and have played most of my life. I like also like jazz, but that doesn't make me a jewish, homosexual, transgender lover. So hold your prediposed notions. I am a great cook (yeah more than spaghetti O's and enough to make your mom say we having dinner at Dave's tonight). I love the outdoors. I am active in politics (but I will remain silent on my affiliation until I get some groupies and some press). I love to go camping, fishing, boating, shooting, and everything a good man should love. I love racing (Go 8, 12, 97), football (Go Jags, Go Gators), and baseball (go Braves).
October is the best month of the year! Why do I say that? Well, Baseball is down to the final games,.....Reggie Jackson was Mr. October! It all matters now. The NEXTEL Cup (someone please explain how you get into the top 10 of the final for the race to the chase of the final 10 or whatever, why couldn't it just stay you win the most you win,..you lose after winning the most you suck!, but I digress). Football is just getting geared up. College is halfway through the regular season and NFL team are jockeying for positions. I LOVE THIS TIME OF YEAR~ ESPN is fun, Saturdays are fun, Sundays are fun, Mondays are fun, and October is fun. The leaves turn, halloween, finally a break from 102 heat index. And the weather finally hits camping temperatures in Florida, yes this matters! Does all of this make me an "Athletic Supporter"? or a Jock? no, just a guy that likes seeing people just about kill each other to win. That is kind of fun....
Back to me. I am a hopeless romantic and funnier than hell,...in case you haven't noticed...... I have friends all over the U.S. and World. I am loyal, faithful, trusting, and a great lover. I am what most women claim they want,..but its never quite that way. I have a great family. I have a good career. Good character. I have some college. I spent 4 years in the Air Force as a Military Cop. I have done and seen things that most people only read about (and when you are done here go outside and experience will ya!).
I am moral,...well that would depend on who you compare me too of course, but ethical can be used too. I have a high regard for integrity and honesty. I love being social and making people laugh. Sometimes they laugh with me, sometimes they laugh at me. Either way I love listening to laughter.....
In short. I have rarely made a girl's mom unhappy with what her daughter brought home. I have a great background and family. I want what most normal people want, a family, a wonderful wife that is my best friend and lover. I want to share and make the most of this sometimes suckass world.....yeah I want it all baby,...I WANT IT ALL. Actually I just want to be happy.
This brings us to here. "Why am I blogging?" Well, the simple answer is that all you married poeple need to be friggin grateful (more on that later), and all you single people, you are not alone! So here, I will share what its like to be moderately handsome, moderately successful, moderately funny and still think that dating SUX! Here you will learn that it may NOT be so bad for you. Here you will learn that it does suck all over and that hey, one day you, you will get to see the end of this blog when I either get married or taste gun oil (just kidding)! So enjoy your stay! Relax and read to the soap opera of a dating a 35 year old man that hates to date.
Follow me as you get a live, or virtually live, look into a man's life. I will be honest about my adventures and experiences. You will get a blow by blow (ummm maybe that was in bad taste) of dating. I will address each person and how
we met.
Just so that we are clear, I have had many very healthy long term relationships (err training). I know what its like to be in love and who is who.....so let's get on with it. Some will be date stories, some posts will be methods of meeting, but either way you will have fun and learn that life IS a soap opera, maybe even better. If it can happen, it can happen to me. Follow me to marriage.....the story starts with some background and then you will live what I live........as I live it or at least as soon as my hangover subsides. Feel free to respond at will. I have friends that will be, so it could get interesting.
Hey Dave,
Great post. I hope you continue your blog because you seem to have some useful insights into the dating world.
I'm your alter-ego, brother. Married at 20, been married to the same gal for 35 years, never had the single adult daing experience.
In the next life I want to be you, man.
I've started a few blogs, and it's hard for me to stay motivated without some feedback. So, I'll check in with you from time to time.
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