Friday, October 07, 2005

Dating: The Process of Elimination Pt. I

Dating, as I see it, is broken down into three different ways to meet. The third is the newest. So to break it down.....

1) "The Random Meeting".. .this means that you meet someone anywhere. It could be the grocery store, the laundromat, or at a bar,..all of which are damn near dangerous! I mean groceries? She may be in her day off clothes, flip-flops, no-make up, and buying things she may not want you to see, like Vagasil or something,......Laundromat? It may be the first time she has done laundry in 6 months (multiple problems here) again similar to grocery store attire. A bar?..Well let's face it, risk spending all of your wad,...buying drinks and get nothing, then run the risk of getting a DUI,...or worse, may go home with someone after your tequila binge that you actually have to chew your arm off in the morning to leave.....Who is going to date a one armed, single, tequila drinker? (okay Mexico does not count). There are plenty of other places, like the sidewalk, the mall, coffeeshop (that'll be $34.69 for the latte, sir!), the bookstore (one of my favorites, because at least you know she can read). There are many others, but I am simply trying to make a point.
2) "The Set-up".......{insert Geronimo yell here}! The set-up can be good or bad. Letting other people decide what you may like is dangerous for you, the person you are meeting, and the friend him/herself. And the blind date is more disappointing than not. Occassionally, I must say I meet great people this way. This has been my most successful,..but again it depends on your friends.....are they looking to get another friend laid or do they just think that you two will hit off? It could be both. Probably the best way to meet someone new is when you go to a party and meet a friend of your friend or something similar. It could be a cousin for that matter (not your cousin, thats illegal in some states). It gives you instant insight, intelligence (in the military sense), and help. The "set-up" ranks at the top of my list,....but you still run the risk of chewing your arm off. You can be set-up by family (the worst), friends, or aquiantences. It doesn't really matter what the set-up is, it is what it is.....Be prepared for anything from a fire emergency to sky diving.....
3) "The NET": Here you have the best chances, most opportunity, and actual person shopping. Yeah BABY, welcome to the 21st century. There are three sites I have used:, Yahoopersonals, and My likes and dislikes vary like baby poo. Some you get to "shop" looking at pictures and read profiles (not in that order, it depends on the site). Some match you (E-harm as I like to call it does this), with people compatable, some are just a meat market with HTML language.

They are all three equally painful. All three produce the same reults, all three add to the suckiness of dating. If I had my choice, which, today I do, I select the 3rd option, since I have basically dated every person I can in the set-up scenario (no cousins). Being able to prescreen saves you from a lot of the BS,..but it has its problems as you will find out...You get to see what people are about, how they live, kids, job, likes, and dislikes. Basically this saves you $82.50 on a first date. So in essence your first date with someone you met online is your second date,....interest level is already there (or not). The benfits stop while this may be priceless, is wrought with suckiness (yeah, my new word).......

Next posts will give some more details on both online dating and meeting people randomly or via the "set-up".


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