Saturday, October 08, 2005

The Process of Elimination Pt. III

A night out is different. Let just say you keep it some fast food with a buddy (“The Wingman”, more on this later) on the way out say, $8.50. Then get to a bar....maybe a cover, maybe not. Covers range from $5-10 so lets be fair and say $6. Some drinks...if you drink beer $3.00 per, if you drink booze $5 plus....then let's not forget tips....say $7 the whole night....If you have 3 drinks, are already looking at $40 for your night. This is way before you meet someone......then you buy a drink for a girl...if you are lucky, she won't want an expensive wine or special drink....either way looking at $5.50....Two things to consider here, she will drink free all night, either by you or someone else, and secondly she might not give you the time of day….

Meeting girls is a $60+ night, be prepared...with online dating, you can get to the date, without pissing away this $60 and only having less than a 50% chance of meeting someone. The real first date (which will cost you your left testicle without already spending the right,..umm yeah only have two,..some conservation is in order when one is one the line) if you do meet someone either online, "Random", or "Set-Up".

You can go easy or you can go hard, but either way you are going out to look for girl if you are single (which is assumed)....its in our nature. Its being a guy,....We will spend our last nickel to meet a good girl......or lay, or whatever. I think my very Christian father put it best when I was a teen. He imparted this bit of wisdom to me....."Son, Women have half the money and all the...." well we all know what they have all of, its what every man is looking for and that ain't the other half of the $$$.

If you are awesome looking, have a great body,a nd dress snappy, thsi will all be easier and cheaper for you. AS for me,..well let's just say I stick with personality. I am pretty normal looking and dress fine, but I am not built like a pro-ball player. The bottom line is that,...its gonna cost me and probably whatever I have in the pocket (nothing like waking up the next day alone, with just a couple of pennies and a dime, two wrong numbers, and a hangover).

Having a “wingman” is the one way to do this. It guarantees that if you meet a girl (who usually travel in at least pairs), that one of you will get stuck with the fat ugly one. Its called “taking one for the team”. On the other hand,…you may be the one getting the skank. Either way, you have a better chance with a wingman and probably double your odds. A wingman has responsibilities and the role can switch on a dime between you and the wingman (yes a woman can be a wingman,.errr woman,…but this creates a whole new set of problems for another post.

The "Wingman’s" responsibilities are as follows:
1. Take one for the team if necessary.
2. Occupy the friend to allow some conversation time with the target.
3. Bail your ass out if you get in way too deep, or if your onboard computer is stuck on stupid.
4. Provide the set-up for jokes or conversation.
5. Totally 100% back up the BS that will inevitably be flowing like rush hour traffic out of your mouth. He can add extra BS if needed.
6. Absolutely do not, under any circumstances engage your target with interest or “cockblocking” this is punishable by a fist fight in the parking lot and the wingman walking home.
7. Be the butt of some jokes, yep it’s a pride killer and should be used with discretion.
8. Remember exactly what he has done for you, for when the roles reverse.
The wingman can be single or involved, but you can see the various problems with both.
More on meeting girls at different places as they unfold in my life…so this is just a primer.


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