Saturday, October 08, 2005

The Committee

“The Committee” is made up of good friends, all women. I seek advice and counsel from them. Sometimes I take the advice, sometimes I don’t. They are my sounding board. This committee involves three colleagues Cheri, Kina, and Wendy, my sister Kris and a friend Karen. All of these girls love me and would not intentionally mislead me to be sure. Occasionally I add one or two people to the committee, but I pretty much stick with these women.
4 of these women are married, two newly, two more than once. The remaining member has been married but is now single. I think this covers about every angle in the advice department. I am in regular contact with most of them, so they pretty much know my day to day relationship problems. Being members of The Committee, means they get to see my online dating profiles and the emails between me and potential dates. They also get to see pictures of and rate my choices. I love having the committee, even when they are wrong. They are not wrong often and frequently I have to endure the “See I told you so!” from them…..
They also provide valuable insight into the ever changing psyche of women. They often times can make me see things that typically fly under a man’s radar. Anything from “She is totally cheating on you” to “Well maybe she actually does like you!” I have heard it all, and sometimes its ugly. The truth can be that way!
This "Committee" is not the same as my best friends, although there is overlap, it is not made up of my guy buddies. The best buds are supplimental to The Committee. For the most part the Buds, just get me drunk after being dumped, the occassional set-up, and usually say the same thing "Dude,....they're woman, we already surrendered"! Yep, both of them are married!
Then there is my buddy "Side Show", he hasn't been the luckiest in dating, so advice falls short. With that said, he's a good listener and gives honest opinions. He can also provide a good drunk. His best role though? "Wingman" some point he will become desperate enough to "take one for the team". We have both been "Wingman" to each other so we know how to fly deep into enemy territory, under hostile fire!!!!

I am officially adding a new committee member. Amy is now a full on member,..since she has not only set me up on dates,..she is also yelling at me about ThatGirl. She is trying to set me up on another one too, Amy is now the 6th member and is also married to one of Da Boys. Which means she gives me advice,..he gets me drunk when I blow it.....A Win-Win in my book!


Blogger Redneck Dave said...

New Committee member

11/02/2005 01:18:00 PM  

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