A comment was left this a.m. to Bommerang post, can go down and read it....I thought I might say something and get opinions, although I know what some of the opinions already are....
I am not indescisive, regards to who I want in my life,..but I have never been one to date multiple people either. Being that I have not ever been able to date multiple girls I would settle for settling, I will not settle for anything. I have tried to broaden my horizons and date as many people as I can until one stands out,..when that happens they get my focus if its mutual...I have yet to find that except as noted here,..but I have expanded my circle of potential partners exponentially. Meaning the more options I have. I want to settle down, not settle.....settling for half assed or not quite what I want has never been me...both personally and professionally. Right now I have the means to seek out more potential mates and am doing so. Some it doesn't work out with, some have become good friends,...others I have been focused on. So, I guess this begs to ask.....anyone here,.....should I not keep ALL of my options open? Thanks anonymous, you may help out quiet a bit regarding my indescisiveness...
I am not indescisive, regards to who I want in my life,..but I have never been one to date multiple people either. Being that I have not ever been able to date multiple girls I would settle for settling, I will not settle for anything. I have tried to broaden my horizons and date as many people as I can until one stands out,..when that happens they get my focus if its mutual...I have yet to find that except as noted here,..but I have expanded my circle of potential partners exponentially. Meaning the more options I have. I want to settle down, not settle.....settling for half assed or not quite what I want has never been me...both personally and professionally. Right now I have the means to seek out more potential mates and am doing so. Some it doesn't work out with, some have become good friends,...others I have been focused on. So, I guess this begs to ask.....anyone here,.....should I not keep ALL of my options open? Thanks anonymous, you may help out quiet a bit regarding my indescisiveness...
Keep options open. I will say that you need to make it TOTALLY clear that Nascar is not to contact you again. I've never had someone keep contacting me again once I made it totally clear. Not partially clear. Not maybe clear. But don'tevercallmeagaincauseallyou'llgetisarestrainingorderordialtone clear. If you have made it THAT clear, then she is stalking or you like it.
K - don'tgetmadatyoursister
I totally agree! Enough is enough, tell her do not call, do not "drop by" leave me alone!
Original anonymous re:/ Indecisive
The thing about options, is choosing good ones to keep open.
As far as relationships go. If someone shows me they are NOT the kind of person that I would ultimately trust with my heart.
Doesn't share the same values. Would not be a stable enough person to be able to rely on them when times are tough, or even have children with. They are no longer in my "potential life mate" list.
As a shiney headed TV Dr. Says (about relationships) The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.
Hi Rachel,
First thansk for stopping by and knowing your name is much better than wondering who the hell said that!!! i.e, anonymous.
I think the term options is used loosely here. You have to HAVE options TO leave open. The whole dating thing means meeting people and deciding what to keep as an option, from there is where you get into the psyche of the person and then the list narrows. Ihave tried the whole go from one to another to another and found myself settling for things unacceptable. By having multiple choices per say, I am able to better discern what is and is not acceptable. It takes time to see if you can trust someone ultimately and I agree with your assesment on finding a potential life mate. But, I feel it is easier to start with a list and begin narrowing it,..If have already tried the one to another to another as I said. I try to chose good ones to keep open and perhaps you think that I consider Paula or Thatgirl as options,.they are not and have not been, it just seemed they kept popping back up into my life....I did give Paula more than a fair chance,..becasue there were many, many things about her I liked, eventually trust WAS the ultimate issue and ties were severed. I have not posted on that yet. Myoptions were all new options,..since three weeks ago I have narrowed down.
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