Tuesday, July 11, 2006

"If" Date #3 and #4, The End

Okay so I will wrap this up as this young lady didn't last long,..no need to go into great detail. it was typical of dating,..you win some you lose some,...and sometimes you can get some action either way...............
Date #3 was inpromptu, she called me on a Friday and we went to the same bar we ended up at last date to watch a band.....we had a great time,...but as the conversations went on I could tell she was really messed up by her last relationship.....I suspect she moved back home, because she was insecure,...and she may have also needed the protection................okay RED FLAG!!! WARNING: Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert! But my libido was in over drive and we ended up hanging all over each other anyway.................hey I can't help it,..I'm a man..............she was even buying the drinks.....................AAAAAHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I love it when I get to be the chick on the date,......I still bought a round or two,..but she was totally diggin me..................we had a great time and I took her home around 3. The apartment was being packed up and was filthy and she lived with her folks,................so I had no choice, but to take her to her house and say good night!! Damn the luck!
I probably had my best chance that night of getting in on the goods!.........But still int he back of my mind I started to notice the issues she was having and had! She had lost a series of points through the night with comments.....and actions.............but was gaining points with affection and some great kissing!!!! The issues were winning though.....

We agreed to go out again,..but she would not commit to two things I asked her about one 1 week away another 2 weeks away,....as suggested dating venues...........onme issue was that she was very wishy washy...back and forth on subjects and opinions.....she was all over the map................sometimes women are,..but this stuck out..............

Come Tuesday of the following week,...she had talked me into going to a concert.....I buy mine, she buys hers................I assumed that she wanted to go Dutch..................WRONGO! Ended up costing me $75 bucks at the bar,.....and she never once offered to buy her drinks,..I assumed we were ona date so this was no issue,..once I started paying for eveything barring her ticket,...but that was not the case...and she made it known....................I am a classic people observer and I should have known going into the place that she was there for show and not by me,..but using me.................DAMN I AM A SUCKER FOR THIS TACTIC...................See it goes like this: We were standing outside in the line to come in.................and she made an ominous but passing comment about seeing people she knows at this particular venue...........she didn't say who,....it was just "People"................but after going in I had shaken hands with several people I knew there and she had known no one thus far,....to me that meant it isn't really people we are looking for but perhaps 1 person...........maybe her ex,....or at least acquaintances of his. As we stood there watching the opening band,...I couldn't help but notice her constantly looking around......but then when I looked at her she looked at me.....we kissed a couple of little pecks through out the night,..but she was completely not being what had been typical of our dates thus far...............not even close.............she wanted to be there with me,...but not with me.....understand? After she kept looking around I asked her,..."who are you looking for"? I also didn't want to be blind sided if she found them or they her either............you know.....ex's can get jealous.....so this was a self preservation issue for me................anyway,..the mood between us began to deteriorate through out the night although concert was awesome.................Little was said on the way home,..so it was like she was disappointed in not finding whoever she was looking for...........

The day after next we talked on the phone and I asked her what was wrong,..and why did two nights before go bad,.....and she went into the diatribe about how come we can't just go hang out somewhere and not be on a date....honestly I had no idea what she was talking about except if we were dutch why wasn't she buying her own drinks...........and one minute she was being very sweet and the next was moody as hell,......knowing women as I do,...this is not SO unusual,..BUUUUUUUUUTTTTT....................

Well we got off the phone and I sent an email for her to see in the morning at work,...just backing off and telling her hey we have had three great dates and one so-so,....we'll chalk it up to experience..........I got no response,.....that night she called me and I had already committed a ticket to the race in Daytona the following Saturday night to her.....so this was Tuesday,...I had brought it up all weekend,..because I had other people to take,...she was excited about it........as was I. This was her "Tolerance Date",.............again she got all wishy washy when I asked point blank "ARE you going to the race with me?"...................she said she didn't know and would let me know the next day...................I was pissed because by now 4 days prior,..my friends on other potential race goers had already gottent their tickets and made their plans,..even Cubana........

Needless to say she backed out,...I hung up and that was that. Luckily I foubnd someone
to take so that I was not sitting next to an empty $80 seat for a race..........

HERE IS DATING IN A NUTSHELL.......................as I am typing this over 14 days since,.............guess who just called not 20 seconds ago??????????? Yep "IF" ! Funny how this whole thing works...................$20 says I see her in less than a week, and we start talking on the phone again................I still want the action.............so we wills ee what plays out............I don't see a future of getting involved,......but I see that she didn't forget about me and that I did leave an impression...........enough for her to call.......and just chat,..it was like we never missed a beat in conversation.......we are both conversationalists.....

Okay even more odd............... So I go to the race and I call Cubana the night before,..she says she is sitting on the back stretch and going with people from work....we joked about getting together at the race or hanging out for a little while,.....but I live 2+ hours north of the track and she lives,...about 20 minutes north....I left later than anticipated and she too,....she was parking and riding the shuttle,..I was parking in the rear lots.............with over 200,000 people attending the race, there would easily be 30,000 cars back here,....I pulled into the back lot #10................guess who was just getting out of her truck and was less than 5 spaces away???? Yep Cubana! What are the odds of that??? I am telling you people,...its really weird with her and I,....we were both wearing black tank tops and shorts........too............we took a picture together and had a few beers,..she went to hang with her people and I hung with mine........but we did run back and forth.........we have spoken and email or IM'd every day since..............

Okay new one on the Radar..... Straight from MySpace,..so she may be an alien,..but she is super pretty and very funny.............I emailed her out of the blue yesterday only person I have emailed in 3 months on Myspace,..not sure why,...but she replied last night,......Haven't decided her nickname,........so.......................

That's it for a while.....dating goes on,..................did I mention I hate dating?


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