Friday, July 07, 2006

MySpace Aliens

Okay so I have had a MySpace account for about 5 months now. With all the press it gets for perverted old men picking up young girls I am afraid to tell anyone.....However it is serving its purpose well. I have reunited with three old friends, yes women my age! And, I have actually met three women that were worthy of a date, but have been too tied up to go out with two of them and the one I did go out with got me lucky, but then she went back to her ex......which leads me to this....THERE ARE SOME REAL FREAKS OUT THERE AND COMPUTERS MAKE THEM BOLD!!!!
Now am I possibly speaking of myself??? No, I don't need a computer to be a freak,...I just need a computer to tell everyone ;-)
It has actually turned into a research project and there is much that I am learning. Here are just some of the examples of what Dave has learned as an Astronaut in MySpace.
  1. People give out WAAAAAY too much information about issues they have.
  2. People desperately want to be accepted, so tell you why they are freaky so they can meet like minded freaks.
  3. People who were not popular "horde" friends (because you can request to be someone's friend and once they accept you show up their page and they on yours) All of mine are actually friends, people that I talk to at least semi-regularly. But some people just collect them....for about three weeks I accepted any friend requests I got,..then I waited to see if they actually asked about anything a friend would ask,...most never even said hi beyond that, we became friends???? What for??? For them to feel popular that's why! Some people have 378 friends or 2,476 friends,....yeah right you weirdo!!!! So I delete them if they never say anything after they ask to be my friend. Its funny and I giggle, when I whisper "bad friend" and hit delete. So Lessons: THERE ARE LOTS OF INSECURE PEOPLE WHO WANT TO COLLECT FRIENDS! YET HAVE NO SKILLS TO MAINTAIN THEM.
  4. That strippers who want you to watch their webcam (which you won't know about until you go to their page after they send you a nice email and it has a super hot picture with it)......I check out all the people who on these pages and all of the people they are "Friends" with, then I will go to that persons page to see what they are about friends and I think to myself...MEN ARE SUCKERS!!!! Were you Friends before she started stripping on a webcam??? Funny!!!
  5. That there are a ton of lonely people out there, places like this NEED to be around
  6. THAT THIS IS WAY TOO DANGEROUS FOR CHILDREN if not heavily supervised.
  7. That people will out right lie for their own agenda and I mean more common than you can guess.....
  8. That you can actually meet some interesting people and even get dates (which was not my mission, but has happened).
  9. That it is super fun to play with HTML (Computer language that builds your page), you can do some really cool stuff.
  10. Its vastly different from internet dating sites. But little different than meeting at a bar....go figure.
  11. That just as in a bar women will get 400 emails and friend requests, but a man will get substantially less.
  12. Men stalk women here too!
  13. Women can be total freaks. AND stalk men too....yes! I have been stalked....
  14. That women will rarely put "Serious Relationships, Dating" (one of five choice you have) even if that's exaclty what they ARE lookign for.
  15. That people cheat massively on their spouses here and can also find swingers here, you can even search just for swingers....
  16. That there are only two places, the Airport and Vegas that is better for watching people. If you know how to watch people on MySpace, as I described above, you'd be amazed at what you learn and see and read......GREAT STUFF.....too bad its not live!
These are just some of the lessons I have learned in this research and the quest for a permanent fixture.........its really entertaining to do this to say the least. I love being able to observe people patterns and patterns along the species.....its funny to watch people pretend to be what they really wish they were,...but there are alot of awesome people out there too. I have been lucky enough to meet some, so its a win win for me.....I am learning tons about dating and people....
did I mention I hate dating???
Probably did!
More to come


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