Monday, November 07, 2005

Communication Breakdown

Saturday night I went to the watering hole to get a drink and watch the Florida vs. Vanderbilt game. It started as a quiet evening, but quickly I began to stress out on the game and the bar began to fill up with regulars and some newbies. I intended to hang out for the game, NASCAR once during the game, and come home when my buzz got good enough or my wallet empty enough....turned out to be around 1:00 when the two indicators collided.
There was a couple of reasons I didn't call Nascar earlier in the evening. One was that she busy with a paper for school (one that she has now asked me to read and critique all 84 pages of) and two because ThatGirl taught me that I absolutely did not want someone that gets totally pissed off if we aren't in contact every three hours...(which is usually what ThatGirl did).
I thought that maybe I should test the waters with Nascar a little bit and just see. I called her about 8:30 p.m. and got her voice mail. I told her I was at a bar, watching the game, with friends,..I named two girls (one was a committee member who ultimately did not show and the other was a bartender I knew would be there). I am not playing games here, I simply want to find out some things about Nascar's character. I left her a nice message and told her again I had fun on Friday and that I hope her paper was going well. About 10:30 she left me a message,...but we were at 14 seconds to go in a tie ballgame and there was no way I was answering the phone....It could have been the President and he would have gotten my voice mail (umm not that the President would call me or anything,..but maybe he would have wanted to tell me that my blog was a national treasure or something). I was a bit concerned checking the message a couple of hours later, what if she failed the test.....another one down.....
What I got was a sweet message, no insecurities, no questions on who was who or when I would be home, nada, zilch. She said that I could have watched the game with her, but she probably wouldn't have gotten her paper done if I had.....
Sunday, one of Da Boys called to offer me a feee ticket to the Jaguars game. It was like 10:45 in the morning,...I hadn't actually spoken with Nascar,..since Saturday morning around 11:30. I left for the Game with "T" and was gonna give Nascar a call prior to going into the Stadium....About a half hour before that she called. Again very sweet, great demeanor, and no issues,...didn't even ask who all I was going to the game with. We had general chit-chat and talked about the paper she is doing,...she wanted some help researching something she was having problems finding info on (this was Saturday morning when she mentioned it first), I made a list of links (Saturday) to exactly what she was looking for and sent it to her before I went out Saturday night..She was commenting on the links (during Sunday's phone call)and how much they helped her and that she needed me to find some others as well....I told her I would when I got home...She wished me a good time and said she was looking forward to seeing me soon.....
Communication breakdown??? No not at far so good.....she passed the Communication Breakdown test with flying colors....ThatGirl would have rang my phone off the hook, gone on two dates, not spoken to me for a week, and just generaally been a bitch.....Ahhhhhh this is a nice refreshing she will get regular calls.....
This morning she sent me her paper and I am in the process of reading it....damn writing a paper for a Master's degree is hard.....I can barely understand some of it,..but I ain't going to tell her that!!! I thought the Matrix was a movie,..not the internal external forces in chart/graph form affecting the strategy and marketability of a company, particularly a fortune 500 company relative to the market and its own competitors.....did that make sense???? Yeah well it didn't to me either,....but it was my first non-movie Matrix....I feel smarter already!!!

A couple of updates.....
I dropped Po-Po a line Saturday afternoon,...just kind of teasing her as to why I hadn't heard from comment, no email, no nothing.... I guess I HAVE been relegated to the recycle bin....either that or I am under investigation...YIKES!
Helga: Not her real name,..but I think she is german, I will call her Helga until I meet her and find a more suitable name.....I emailed Helga, about a month ago and we went back and forth two times.....I noticed a few things that make me believe she is a German National or something of the is bad spelling,...not atrocious (and hell anyone reading this knows I refuse to use spell check and spell like a fifth grader), but in a weird,..almost phonetic in spelling,..but she is very educated adn fluent in several at least two I am seeing things in her comments that are shall we say losely translated, verb in the wrong spot,..or an incorrect adjective.....I asked her one time if she had an accent and she stopped emailing me.....MAYBE she is a Russian spy and the Po-Po is involved....? HMMMMM anway I thought this girl was cute,...Friday night when I got home from the Rodeo with Nascar, there was an email from Helga....the German....Sure enough she is a singer and sings in at least three languages and spends time in Germany....I emailed her back and have not gotten a return,..but who knows.....I will keep in contact until and if Nascar and I hit a level that makes her exclusive....I have made the mistake too many times in not leaving my options open, I will this time,...its all casual until I get goo and ready.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the word is "metrics" Scooter.....T

11/08/2005 12:45:00 PM  
Blogger Redneck Dave said...

The actual term as per the document given the students by the professor which I have in my possession is Matrix, as in a price matrix, or a Chart Matrix....not metrics which is defined by any form as a unit of measurement. This is not a measurement, but a comparison and structure.....but thanks for chiming in anyway....

11/08/2005 12:57:00 PM  

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