It's The Po-lice
So for the last few days I have been emailing back and forth with a Match from She is very pretty and my profile click here. to review, is what got her attention. Her first email to me had little to do with us getting to know one another and more to do with how funny it me thats a great place to start.So here is the run down....She is 36, very attractive (for 3- 2" x 2" pictures) If you squint she either looks like a model or a Richard Simmons (HEHEHEH just teasing). She IS very attractive. I have been trying to get her to email me at my regular email,...since the ThatGirl incident last weekend. The reason is simple: if,....ThatGirl and I get it going again (which is against every fiber of sanity I have), then I wanted to still keep my options open, since its obvious she is keeping hers open.....Finally today, I get an email from her. I have asked her a few times what her occupation is,...but she never fully answered. She has a Master's Degree from FSU (I seem to get along better with the educated, than the uneducated,..reference higher education. Women with Master's degrees are usually very open, understand the world and tend to not react or act as emotional. They tend to be more rational and logical, than women who have not had those experiences....just an observation from dating many of both). She is also apparently in Law Enforcement. HANDS IN THE AIR>>>>>>>
Now that in and of itself is no biggie. I dated a Homicide Detective for about 5 months right after I moved out from living with News Chicky. I also have a background in Law Enforcement. Sometimes, I wish I had pursued the career,..but at the same time....I am grateful that more than likely someone won't shoot at me while working....Thats a pretty nice feeling to have. Even though I do carry a gun every day as it is.....
I shall call her Po-Po. Po-Po seems to have a good background based on our talks,...she seems to be funny and pretty quick on the draw (HEHEHEHEHE pardon the pun). She comes across very direct. .NOW, that doesn't mean its all good.....We may have a conflict of interest or it depends on what her job is in Law Enforcement, which as I said is vague....she could be a beat cop, corrections, dispatcher, crime unit, forensics, detective.....who knows....I guess I will soon enough. Also I have been known to drink and drive and occasionally take part in activities she might frown on (and I'll leave it at that), but those things are a long way off in the current discussions. My background is clean, I am not worried about being checked up on,....but the thought of a nasty break-up with a cop, me the willies. Hell I broke up with one's sister and within 2 days he pulled me over for DUI (I was 21 at the time). Being that I was a Cop at the time that put a cramp in my plans and rank,...but I found some dirt on him and he is no longer employed anywhere in the State of Georgia, turn around is fair play......but I digress. The good thing about dating a cop is that, almost always have a ride home from a bar, and usually in the front seat of the patrol car. She will be less likely to lie and bs you, does become nature to some to do the right thing always. And they tend to be compassionate and empathetic to those around them....They also tend to spend a lot of time with men, work out in the gym, and can put your ass on the ground with a couple of pressure points and a hip toss.....So dating one has its ups and downs,...errrr literally.....oh yeah and lets not forget the fear of turning them full on lesbian (I have yet to accomplish this in my life, but I did convert one back to our team once long ago). the bright side to this, is that she is in another County, so my guess is that she either works for that county or the city contained therein.
Anyway,..this is developing and as I find out more about her I will post it here. So keep an eye open for Po-Po posts (sounds like I am stuttering, huh?).
Now that in and of itself is no biggie. I dated a Homicide Detective for about 5 months right after I moved out from living with News Chicky. I also have a background in Law Enforcement. Sometimes, I wish I had pursued the career,..but at the same time....I am grateful that more than likely someone won't shoot at me while working....Thats a pretty nice feeling to have. Even though I do carry a gun every day as it is.....
I shall call her Po-Po. Po-Po seems to have a good background based on our talks,...she seems to be funny and pretty quick on the draw (HEHEHEHEHE pardon the pun). She comes across very direct. .NOW, that doesn't mean its all good.....We may have a conflict of interest or it depends on what her job is in Law Enforcement, which as I said is vague....she could be a beat cop, corrections, dispatcher, crime unit, forensics, detective.....who knows....I guess I will soon enough. Also I have been known to drink and drive and occasionally take part in activities she might frown on (and I'll leave it at that), but those things are a long way off in the current discussions. My background is clean, I am not worried about being checked up on,....but the thought of a nasty break-up with a cop, me the willies. Hell I broke up with one's sister and within 2 days he pulled me over for DUI (I was 21 at the time). Being that I was a Cop at the time that put a cramp in my plans and rank,...but I found some dirt on him and he is no longer employed anywhere in the State of Georgia, turn around is fair play......but I digress. The good thing about dating a cop is that, almost always have a ride home from a bar, and usually in the front seat of the patrol car. She will be less likely to lie and bs you, does become nature to some to do the right thing always. And they tend to be compassionate and empathetic to those around them....They also tend to spend a lot of time with men, work out in the gym, and can put your ass on the ground with a couple of pressure points and a hip toss.....So dating one has its ups and downs,...errrr literally.....oh yeah and lets not forget the fear of turning them full on lesbian (I have yet to accomplish this in my life, but I did convert one back to our team once long ago). the bright side to this, is that she is in another County, so my guess is that she either works for that county or the city contained therein.
Anyway,..this is developing and as I find out more about her I will post it here. So keep an eye open for Po-Po posts (sounds like I am stuttering, huh?).
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