Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Is It Really "My"Space?

Okay,..some situational updates,..since I have complete insomnia and have been up for 24 thus far,.....going to be a long day.

I emailed Nad (see a few posts back for details)to get the status from the other night. Just wanted to see if there was anything to her introducing me to Nf. Any answer was fine since I am taking a bit of a break. I get a rather snobby email back, saying that Nf went to see her boyfrined in Orlando over the weekend and "sorry",..and then she put in a personal note after I indicated that I thought she (Nad) was out of town. She said that she wasn't and I made a comment, that I should have called her (it was more out of politness) than interest in Nad (as I have said I already know her and I am not interested). But her response to this was rather shitty. She said her (Nad, the cock blocker's) boyfriend wouldn't like her talking to men and it was better that I didn't call. And that we wouldn't be emailing anymore.......Uhhhhhh okay....you grab my Wahoo and your boyfriend would be bothered by a call from a friend....okay,..well another set of bodies for the pile....you set'em up and I'll knock them down. Funny!

Okay almost done with Cubana post, its a long one. The other shoe has fallen with a thud.

Went back on MySpace... you can view it here
If you are a memeber,..feel free to say "hi". Not back on for dating purposes, I am doing some research,..but whatever happens happens. I made a good friend in Bellafiore that I met during my last brief stay on MySpace. As usual I will update here as breaking news happens...

Live blog will be from a place with Wi-fi on a popular night. I want to go and observe dating in action. I want to blog and watch people do the dance and report what I see as it happens....maybe see if being a player works "in real-time" I am sure I will "player" it myself, since it is my nature. It may take a me a few tried to get the blogging part right and finda good location,..but we shall see. Might try a place or two this week.



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