Sunday, October 09, 2005


I'll let you figure it out.....
Almost everyday for two years I would go grab a sandwhich for lunch and sit by the river in my truck and eat lunch. I would listen to the radio, then take a 15-20 minute power nap!!!! The lot was usually fairly empty, but the view was good of downtown. People would come and go, and sometimes I could "people watch" folks walking down the Riverwalk.
One day I looked over and noticed a very attractive woman doing the same thing, eating lunch and people watching. She did this for the next several months and eventually since we saw each other everyday, we would waive to each other. I tried a few times to say "Hi", but she never seemed very receptive. So I eventually started getting out of my truck and throwing away my lunch garbage in the can closest to her car (being as suave as you can be throwing away garbage). I was trying to be a little sneaky in approaching her. She would just waive, but at least I got a better look at her....she was VERY attractive.
Finally after months of this, I decided I needed to do something a little different. The next day was Valentine's Day and I had nothing as far as relationships go. So Igot there earlier then her and waited. Over the last several months, she began parking closer to my truck (later she told me she felt safer near someone she saw daily and that area can be unsavory at times). I posted a note on the side of my truck. It read, "Happy {Heart} Day, Lunch Buddy". If she was there on V-day, I would know she was single. I mean a pretty girl not eating lunch with her significant other on V-day?? I knew I had a shot if she showed. And show she did.
I got a huge laugh from her and the first openess. She actually rolled her window all the way down and said "Hi". I got out and went over to talk with her,....holy cow great body, business suit, very pretty eyes. I thought for sure I would be shot down. I chatted with her and we exchanged names and phone numbers. I didn't call her right away, but I would park next to her and we would talk for 1/2 hour or so each day. Finally, I called and asked her out for an after work cocktail. She lived in Palatka (a very small town with few people ever leaving about 25 miles south of Jacksonville) so catching her after work was the easiest. She said tomorrow would be great. We spoke via NEXTEL radio all that day. She had brought clothes from home to change into before we met. I should have done the same but didn't, I was still in slacks and tie,...but oh well.
We decided to meet at the bar very near where we park for lunch. It was right ont he river and had a great view, plus it was nice inside. The only places in Jacksonville she knew was work and the lunch spot. She rarely ventured outside of "po-dunk" Palatka. I got there first and waited in the parking lot for her. I saw her pull in and headed towards her car, but not right up on her. She got out and holy shit, she looked amazing. She was in a very tight, form fitting dress, very colorful, showing lots of cleavage and leg. She had on what I call "Fuck Me Heels" Open toed and strappy and high. I had to keep my hands in pocket to keep Harry and the twins from wanting out!!
As we walked in, I got stares from every man in the place,....probably "Lucky Bastard Stares" or " What the hell is she doing with him?" Either way, I was there with her and she looked great. Her dress was somewhat shear, so her augmented chest was very enticing. I bought a beer for me, a shot of whiskey (liquid courage) for confidence, and a glass of wine for her. We began to talk for the first time as two people hanging out together.
She was sweet, nice southern accent, and very open. We even did the occasional touch of the leg or arm. Her body language was open and obviously attracted to me. My body language??? I can't tell you! I was speaking in tongues, man. It was all over the map. It wasn't body language it was An Epic Adventure. After a few drinks and watching the sunset over the river and the city, I asked if she wanted to go for a walk. She did.
We walked down the very Riverwalk (its about 1.5 miles long) we watched people on, she had never done that and its very romantic. There is a huge and very pretty fountain between the bar and the walk, we stopped there first. I pressed up against her and she against me....Hot damn! First kiss!(Oh yeah man tongue and all and hands flying all over each body, hiding harry and thwins now BOOIIINNGG)...We continued walking and talking. By the time we got to the end of the walkway, we were all over eachother and found a secluded spot where we began to get it on......yep while standing and leaning on the rail next to the river. IT WAS FRIGGIN HOT. The dress made easy access and the slacks I had on gave me room to move. We got walked up on a few times and had to adjust posture so that no one could really tell what we were doing. But inevitably it became difficult, so we stopped and agreed to meet again, this time at my house.
Two days later was Friday.I cooked dinner for her (Sirloin Pasta Portabello in red wine) and she showed up looking great, short shorts, tight top, tennis shoes. All very sexy. We talked about family, friends, and so forth. She was 42. Okay that's not so bad, and besides, booty calls can be fun. She was recently divorced after 23 years of marriage.....YEP THERE WAS SEXUAL FRUSTRATION BEGGING TO COME OUT (UMM AND I WAS JUST THE MAN TO LET IT). I knew she had kids, but we hadn't really discussed all that. After dinner we went for the homerun. On the couch, the love seat, the floor, the bedroom. She may have had kids, but she had abs of a 23 year old flat belly and great skin.
This went on for about two months. Usually at my place and at all times of the day and night. Each day we still ate lunch together, either in her car or mine,...even had a midday bj, favorite.
She confessed that she would do anything, video, pictures, whatever I wanted. I never asked her, but she was kind of wanting to be an exhibitionist. I kick myself everyday for not taking her up on her offer. But I respected her and could never just break out the camera and have my very own personal whatever.....*Stupid Dave*Stupid Dave*. But all the same, we began to get closer. I learned about her kids, umm way more than I thought (4) and then she hit me with it.....She had the oldest one when she was 18 and newly married,......GET READY!!! He was having his first kid in 9 months....YEP SHE WAS GOING TO BE A GRANDMA!! ARRRRRRRRGGGGHHH. I don't even have kids!!! If we hooked up and got married I would go straight from Single to Grandpa. UMMMMMM NO CAN DO! Then she said it "I think I love you" Gees man could this get any worse????
Well I broke it off... I had too. Months later we spoke again and still talk from time to time,..but the booty calls quit....Oh well thus is the life of dating....So what is GILF? Grandma I Liked to Fark!


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