Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Go Carts, Mini Golf, and Body Language!!!

So, I am at the tail end of the "That Girl" (to be posted soon) relationship (6months and hed over heels). I knew it was ending (and very badly, there was little doubt in either of our minds) and had I a fleeting chance with a girl I met online, before I met THAT GIRL (not her real screen name, its an inside joke). So I somewhat kept in touch with her, emailing funnies and so forth,...we rarely spoke on the phone,..except when THAT GIRL and I would break up for a week or so. If she was in between she would respond, if not I got a "Dear Dave" e-mail,..I started this when I got back with THAT GIRL and had already asked out Steph....
She stood me up for a baseball game one night and I was kind of bitter,...had she gone I probably would have never gotten back with THAT GIRL,...but the stars did not see it that way!!! Either way we still kept sort of in touch. We broke up enough (THAT GIRL) to keep frequent contact with Steph.
Finally we agreed to meet....Go carts and mini-golf........I met her at her apartment, She was absolutely HOT, better than her pics and waiting for me in a sexy convertible (Umm the same car THAT GIRL drives a Honda S2000,..super sporty,..but the cars looked just alike,...bad memories that night. Steph lived near where we were going so ther wasn't alot of time to talk....
We get there and we get along great,...plenty of laughing,..joking, making fun of people.....We even talked smacked to each other that day about go carts.....I told her she was going to get spanked in the carts, and to bring her hankerchief, she told me to tighten up the was fun and we kep thtis up all the way to racing!!!!!
anyway then we play golf, was about he same either way, some point we lost track of the didn't matter,..we were having a blast....
She had plenty og homework and told me prior she couldn't stay out long, so we headed back to her place,....she asked me up....Oh Yeah Baby, like Flynn!!! We get up there and she offers me a beer, nice pad!!! We talke dabout all kinds of things....then went out to the patio to smoke a cigarette....listening to music.....all was right in the world!!!! Easy to talk to, easy to listen too...I was smitten!!!! She was great....
I left 3 hours later, she said we would do it again......when I got home I emailed her and told her I had a great time and that I would love to see her again and couldn't wait,..tell me the day,..but I did it in a classy way....Told her I would call her soon!
I got a return email the next morning pretty much blowing me off and saying that she didn't get her normal feeling, so we were not going to go out again unless as friends!!!
We still talk,..but we all know how it is,...if one likes and the other doesn't trouble will follow at some point. I decided to spare both of us....I completely misread her body language....I event hough she might be seeing if I would pursue her....So I amswered back.....her reason was vague and I told her it was all good and bowed out gracefully. I have spoken with her (she called and emailed me two times) since,..but I can tell it won't be more,..unless I am an idiot,..whcih may also be true......moving on!!!!! Any opinions!!!


Blogger Blueeyes said...

Hey Dave, this whole scenario of going on a date, having a great time, seeming to hit it off, etc. and then being told that she just wants to be friends (LJBF)strikes me as peculiar, but it has happened to me, too. It appears that women are looking for that special "feeling" that you are entering into some sort of romantic relationship. If the feeling isn't there, then you are history.

10/14/2005 03:42:00 PM  
Blogger Redneck Dave said...

Well, she still tries to keep in touch with me as well, emails, phone calls....I think most women are afraid to be alone and so they surround themselves with men "friends" just in case....I suspect that she did like me but wanted to see if I was willing to be her buddy first...while she checked out others.....ummm no! done that before....

10/14/2005 03:47:00 PM  

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