Chemical Love and Chocolate
Yeah, I figured that would get your attention......With this blog I not only try to be funny and entertaining,...often times at my own expense,...but I also like to be somewhat informative and thus todays lesson in Love is all about PEA!!! Yesterday, there was some comments posted about to the most recent post, regarding Chemistry and the chemistry of love, and lo and behold we actually have a topic. Thus I thought, what better way to address this then with well ummm chemistry.
Now Ms. Riggins, my Chemistry teacher in highschool, had little more chemistry experience than THC, but she was after all a government school teacher. She couldn't complete an intelligent sentence and frequently mispronounced even the simplest of words and always used double negatives, I must say I did not learn this from her. I did however learn a little bit about chemistry, all be it against my better judgement and will at the time.
So, back to PEA and no not those little green things you hid as a kid beneath a mound of mashed potatoes, or fed to the dog,...And no we aren't talking about Ruffies (the Date Rape Drug). We are however talking about Phenethylamine. Click here
Only click the above link if you have a Doctorate degree in Chemistry, otherwise you will nod right off....but I did want to prove that I am not BSing. I have been known to do that,....I mean I am a man and all,..its what we do best.....So back to the point....
This chemical PEA is a naturally occuring hormone. The brain produces it, and it can be found in both plant and animal,..but for our sake its all our brains fault.....What does it do??? And how does it have anything to do with love, you ask!!! WELLLLLLLLLL it technically has everything to do with how you feel. Do I claim to be a Chemist? Errr No,..but I will have plenty of links for you to draw your own conclusion.
Your brain can release many chemicals, such as, dopamine, norepinephrine, endorphins, enkephalin, phenethylamine & serotonin. These are all nature's natural narcotics - chemicals that encourage a sense of comfort, security, and create a mystical experience of oneness, basically euphoria, like when you are in love. Dopamine for instance is released by the brain, when you inhale on a cigarette and nicotine reaches the receptors it affects. The release of Dopamine give you the quick rush and feeling of relaxation that smokers get when they light up it is also a very powerful narcotic and makes it super hard to quit, addiction in and of itself,..why am I using this reference??? Well, it stands to reason that the brain uses certain senses it recieves smell, sound, sight, taste, feel to release various chemicals,..thus like and dislike of many things like pain, or all things for that matter.
When you see something you like, maybe another person the same is true. You go through an immediate recognization process as your brain says "Hey I know this person,...and damn she is hot". Some will theorize that Testosterone is responsible for this lust,...but I am looking at a bigger picture here. The brain recognizes this person as one of affection a positive feeling even overwhelming. It may recognize the touch of her hand or even spark a memory of being touched by this person...for whatever the reason the brain associates this person, this recognization with a positive feeling...perhaps overly positive....the brain then releases PEA,..which secures the feeling and often times this is LOVE....the chemical immediately spreads into the blood stream....You know that pit you get in your stomach when you see someone you love (not you married people, hehehehe)? Well that feeling is directly related to the release of PEA. The receptors in the stomach nerves are then stimulated....Now the effects are very short lived and the pit goes away,..but can come back as you experience more positive feelings based on the recognition.....that make sense??? Of course it does....basically, once the chemical is released it reinforces that recognition and that positive feeling...and thus the there are many other chemicals released from the brain all the time and therer maybe some interaction between them,..but PEA is a stimulant and this is basically (very basically) what it does....Some might arguably call this release infatuation. The brain also releases Oxycontin,..this is love too,..but different love, shall we say "bonding": mom to son, father to daughter, comrade to comrade, husband to wife. The brain releases this pain killer when you experience this bonding type love, still love, but has a completely different effect and caused by a completely different chemical,..but still love none-the-less. Maybe this is why as a kid,..when you scrape your knee, just being with Mom makes it a little better....your doping up on Oxycontin.
Now there is one more thing to be covered here and that is Chocolate... get ready ladies.....guess what chemical is in chocolate???? Yep, PEA / LOVE!!! It is naturally occuring in the cocoa bean and thusly chocolate, when you want some chocolate, really want some love and some sugar,..both literally and figuratively....It also means that you are absolutely serious when you say "I Love Chocolate!!!", you probably actually do (Well why don't you marry it?)Men take note here.....If you want love and your girl likes chocolate,...give her a double dose,..clean yourself up,go buy some fine chocolates, and let her associate subconsciously you with PEA, LOVE, and Chocolate.....Win, win, and win, but I hope for your sake when you go for the trifecta like that, better be well rested,..because it may be hours before you get that is......
All right the links,...just to prove I only made half of this up....and Yes, you can call me Dr. Dave from now on....
Click on any and all below, to see if Dr. Dave actually knows the Chemistry of Love!!! The last one was the best one.
WebMD 1
The Pathology of Love
The Chemistry of Love
Now Ms. Riggins, my Chemistry teacher in highschool, had little more chemistry experience than THC, but she was after all a government school teacher. She couldn't complete an intelligent sentence and frequently mispronounced even the simplest of words and always used double negatives, I must say I did not learn this from her. I did however learn a little bit about chemistry, all be it against my better judgement and will at the time.
So, back to PEA and no not those little green things you hid as a kid beneath a mound of mashed potatoes, or fed to the dog,...And no we aren't talking about Ruffies (the Date Rape Drug). We are however talking about Phenethylamine. Click here
Only click the above link if you have a Doctorate degree in Chemistry, otherwise you will nod right off....but I did want to prove that I am not BSing. I have been known to do that,....I mean I am a man and all,..its what we do best.....So back to the point....
This chemical PEA is a naturally occuring hormone. The brain produces it, and it can be found in both plant and animal,..but for our sake its all our brains fault.....What does it do??? And how does it have anything to do with love, you ask!!! WELLLLLLLLLL it technically has everything to do with how you feel. Do I claim to be a Chemist? Errr No,..but I will have plenty of links for you to draw your own conclusion.
Your brain can release many chemicals, such as, dopamine, norepinephrine, endorphins, enkephalin, phenethylamine & serotonin. These are all nature's natural narcotics - chemicals that encourage a sense of comfort, security, and create a mystical experience of oneness, basically euphoria, like when you are in love. Dopamine for instance is released by the brain, when you inhale on a cigarette and nicotine reaches the receptors it affects. The release of Dopamine give you the quick rush and feeling of relaxation that smokers get when they light up it is also a very powerful narcotic and makes it super hard to quit, addiction in and of itself,..why am I using this reference??? Well, it stands to reason that the brain uses certain senses it recieves smell, sound, sight, taste, feel to release various chemicals,..thus like and dislike of many things like pain, or all things for that matter.
When you see something you like, maybe another person the same is true. You go through an immediate recognization process as your brain says "Hey I know this person,...and damn she is hot". Some will theorize that Testosterone is responsible for this lust,...but I am looking at a bigger picture here. The brain recognizes this person as one of affection a positive feeling even overwhelming. It may recognize the touch of her hand or even spark a memory of being touched by this person...for whatever the reason the brain associates this person, this recognization with a positive feeling...perhaps overly positive....the brain then releases PEA,..which secures the feeling and often times this is LOVE....the chemical immediately spreads into the blood stream....You know that pit you get in your stomach when you see someone you love (not you married people, hehehehe)? Well that feeling is directly related to the release of PEA. The receptors in the stomach nerves are then stimulated....Now the effects are very short lived and the pit goes away,..but can come back as you experience more positive feelings based on the recognition.....that make sense??? Of course it does....basically, once the chemical is released it reinforces that recognition and that positive feeling...and thus the there are many other chemicals released from the brain all the time and therer maybe some interaction between them,..but PEA is a stimulant and this is basically (very basically) what it does....Some might arguably call this release infatuation. The brain also releases Oxycontin,..this is love too,..but different love, shall we say "bonding": mom to son, father to daughter, comrade to comrade, husband to wife. The brain releases this pain killer when you experience this bonding type love, still love, but has a completely different effect and caused by a completely different chemical,..but still love none-the-less. Maybe this is why as a kid,..when you scrape your knee, just being with Mom makes it a little better....your doping up on Oxycontin.
Now there is one more thing to be covered here and that is Chocolate... get ready ladies.....guess what chemical is in chocolate???? Yep, PEA / LOVE!!! It is naturally occuring in the cocoa bean and thusly chocolate, when you want some chocolate, really want some love and some sugar,..both literally and figuratively....It also means that you are absolutely serious when you say "I Love Chocolate!!!", you probably actually do (Well why don't you marry it?)Men take note here.....If you want love and your girl likes chocolate,...give her a double dose,..clean yourself up,go buy some fine chocolates, and let her associate subconsciously you with PEA, LOVE, and Chocolate.....Win, win, and win, but I hope for your sake when you go for the trifecta like that, better be well rested,..because it may be hours before you get that is......
All right the links,...just to prove I only made half of this up....and Yes, you can call me Dr. Dave from now on....
Click on any and all below, to see if Dr. Dave actually knows the Chemistry of Love!!! The last one was the best one.
WebMD 1
The Pathology of Love
The Chemistry of Love
AK just emailed me to tell me to pick up chocolate on the way home...what do you suppose that's all about?? tk
Great post. Believe it or not, I'm a chemist. University of Illinois, BS Chemistry, 1972. But that doesn't mean I know a hill of beans about sexual attraction and relationship "chemistry". You did a great job of explaining the current wisdom on the subject.
Some so-called experts in seduction believe you can stimulate physical attraction by hypnosis and neurolinquistic programming (NLP). NLP involves planting subconscious suggestions in a woman's mind by using word patterns and suggestions. I'm not a believer in this myself, but living out sexual fantasies through hypnosis has a bit of a cult following out there.
Do you believe you can "seduce" a woman into being physically attracted to you? I mean without the benefit of several Mai Tais.
Sure I believe you can seduce a woman into being physically attracted,..but first you have TO BE PHYSICALLY ATTRACTIVE. You, I believe can build on the other foundations, such as security, or strength, or even pheromonal (sp?) aspects of attraction and work towards physical attractiveness. Women don't necessarily look for that first, often they look for other things first and can TOLERATE your looks. Seduction is definitley an art,..and just when I think I have it,..I blow it,..but other times its game on,.....with women wayyyyyy out of my league....Again, I'm no physical prize,..but I have had many beautiful women because I am FUNNY (humor is seduction without a doubt), and just being manly, doing the things Ilike to do...I have been surprised to find so women that I never thought I was good enough to go out with since they were drop dead gorgeous, became attracted to me by my other traits....that they DID find attractive. Its almost like a scratch on your car, look at it long enough you get used to it, long as it drives good, and has some kickass spinner rims!!! ;-))
Good to hear from you I wondered if you had disappeared...
PS thanks for making me look credible on this.. ;-)) You're the best, man!!!
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