GUEST BLOG Argument and Hilarity: MEN vs. Women
So a few days back,...okay a week.....or so...Wifey and El(RugbyWife *CM* and Eljay *CM* my favorite evil Comittee Members) decided we were going to guest blog. Although I love them dearly,...they are lazy when it comes to this (as you can tell by the number of updates at RugbyWife Blog....ooooooh *Poke*). So I started mine for was somewhat accurate,...very spoofed and even sarcastic....but it was a generalization about men vs. women.....
I sent it to Eljay and Wifey for comments.....then they sent it was ON after that....I commented back....this thing turned out to be hilarious,....but I will let you decide.
It goes like this:
Regular post is: White
Eljay comments in: BLUE
Wifey in: PINK
Dating Dave comments to comments in: Green
Unless Wifey or Eljay get lazier (if thats possible) This was written for their blog and will be posted there as well.....I am sure there will be additional commentary before that happens....since you know Editor has privledges.....
ENJOY! Wifey, Eljay, and DatingDave
Hi! I am Dave...from Dating Dave.
I am State side, where the women are the meanest, snobbiest, most evil creatures ever to walk the face of the earth! AAAAnnnnnnnnnddddd I love them for it! I have met women from all over the world. I have dated online, offline, underline, underfire (if psycho NAME WITH HELD gets his way - hee hee) SEEE I tell you way too much and you go in the first sentence and smack me around,......NOT FUNNY! and from the firing line. I consider myself to be pretty well rounded when it comes to their ways.....suffice to say I know even less than I did before I started dating. In fact each date I feel my IQ go down by at least a point....after 18 years of dating or so,....I am barely above a drooling mongrel caveman Neanderthal is a better word – sorry…couldn’t help it…WORD NERD rightto on Neanderthal and really right on WORD NERD…….Okay stop with the strike through its not funny just annoying.....see you have to poke the bear in the cage don’t you......I have a point here!!! ,..who has decided that hitting them on the head with a club is not really such a bad idea if it weren’t illegal.
So then I meet these two lovely ladies (OK…now obviously this guy has never met either of us! Stop laughing and get off the floor!) SEE Can’t even take a compliment without getting emotional!!.SEE can’t even take a joke!...Rugbywife (who I can only assume to be lovely) of course I am and Eljay (Who is not only cute as a button (thank you David, it has been my lives ambition to be described in terms of haberdashery!)It’s a compliment, I like haberdashery , but funny AND smart,....ohhhh yeah AND very taken) via a comment left on my blog by Eljay … Can we leave this out....No we can’t,…facts is facts ma’am!~
. It was during a conversation with Eljay that I found something very telling about women,.....of course it will be something that I will forget when it is time to remember it,..but as of right now...I know it! Okay seeee there you go again,’re just pushing buttons..Strike through removed...
Perhaps this conversation brought home why so few men and women get on,..and so few can keep it that way,.....or maybe it clarified why I love women sooooo much. Eljay made comment that she has basically two rules.....what is acceptable for her behavior in her relationship and what is unacceptable for him (of all the topics we have discussed, usually ad nauseam, you have to select this one…without providing sufficient right of reply….and I am not about to justify my position herein as I have already done so with you!...hmmm private conversations….Good one David…your batting a thousand so far…going off you quite quickly – in loving way- your just like a brother to me honey…ROTFL (rolling on the floor laughing!!!)) See here we go with the emotions again, I repeat something you SAID to make a point, are not the first or last to say it and you get all pissy with me that this, of all comments,...... stuck...I know honey truth hurts sometimes - if I was pissy with you the silence would be deafening – next time I tender a comment I will be sure to append it with a suitably long pin / javelin to ensure the content has “stuck” ;-)). Anger issues, you have big BIG anger issues,...and anger is what??? WHAT???? I CAN’T HEAR YOU!! ITS EMOTION!!!! Kind of like flipping a coin and saying heads I win, tails you lose! Man this is sooo true across the board its not even funny. Fundamental views on the world I guess are so vastly different between men and women it’s a wonder they get along at all.....I am not gay,..but hell I can see WHY it happens....Gees or as you guys say CRICKEY (man, I love that word). we don’t say that !! that’s an Australian comment !! opps…that would be me…sorry Wifey It has been said and probably proven somewhere that men are logical and decide accordingly, where as women are emotional and decide accordingly. That my darling, is TOTAL BULLSHIT!!!! Too bad I am going to have to site studies,..and I thought you were a genius! Yeah…you might have got me there…bite me!
As I have dated on line I have noticed this very thing to be true. Women have their standards on what they accept to be good behavior from a potential mate,..but it’s a bit hypocritical. As I move around the online dating world I see a reoccurring theme. Most girls post in their profile, that they get along better with men than women. Err well DUH! Ya think? Yeah, I get along better with women. As I read profiles I see the same thing. Girls like to make note that they like to hang around men. Yeah! No kidding; for those that haven’t online dated. Now if a man put in his profile that he preferred to hang around women most, one of two things would happen,...he would either start having guys emailing him because its obvious he is sharing cross-dressing tips,...or girls would think he was a player in loose terms. Toughen up buddy and run through the pain!
It goes like this. I like being around women,..not for shopping (which I hate, major ditto!! So you hate answering the “Does my ass look fat in this question too? Hmmm isn’t the answer to that question the same as “So would you like to shag my very hot best friend!” I love to shop! Thank you Wifey, there pfffft and POKE* and NO its not the same as the question would you like to shag my hot best friend....because with that question, you can say no and win points,...with the does my ass look fat in this, matter what you say will piss off the woman.....yes means I’m fat and you don’t like me and you’re a bastard and no means I’m a’s los- lose and I usually just change the subject, this is a fact women,...and if you do not believe it ask your significant other,...unless you have been married for a while and then he will get a certain pleasure from telling you yeah,..your ass is gettin bigger for sure....but I digress ) or make-up tips (which wouldn’t help my sorry ass anyway since I don’t wear make-up). But, because I know how to make them laugh. Making women laugh will get you much booty for sure,.. (So, what your saying is “I like being around women so I can get laid!” – no fuking kidding Einstein!) Remember I am single dufus,... Oh yes …Mr..”I just want to find the love of my life”…given the choice between Ms Right and Ms Right NOW……well in my test subjects….what? well of course I tested my theory…test results proved conclusively that said subjects would opt for SOAS (Sex On A Stick) rather than HWUFPLTH (Hard Work Up Front For Possibly Long Time Happiness) (to see test results please apply to obviously privacy and disclosure requires will be standard…you may also be required to sign a confidentiality agreement.)…obviously getting laid is an issue and being funny is a method in which to achieve aforementioned shagging! You are killing me here this is exactly the argument. Although I must admit in some,...errr most cases you may be right! it will also get your face slapped, bounced out of a bars, and probably in a fist fight or two,...with a mouth like mine you either learn to run fast or fight good! I know how to soak up being one of the dudes they hang around with...if you are good enough looking they will talk about you when you are not around. There is no difference why women hang with men than men with women. Given my paraphrasing of your above argument as to why you like being around women…– obviously, I would have to disagree with your last statement! I spend time with my male friends because…Oh yeah… there my FRIENDS, I genuinely like their company, I don’t spend time with them to make them laugh in order to get them into bed…no doubt the boys will be greatly relieved to hear that! and just quietly…owww! At some point anyone of those men has thought about shagging you,..hate to break it and they may lie,..but be it beer wine,..or the fact you had good cleavage that night it has BEEN thought about, some point they may give up or perhaps you have hot friends,..since you think you might be the troll, (hmmm…nope … definitely not a troll!) but it was a generalized statement sooooo there is latitude in discussion … latitude! my ass…this is a key fundamental statement to this point of your debate! In addition the rest of your comment bears no relevance to the argument and is therefore just white noise! Can’t see the forrest for the trees, huh? Truth is everybody wants to be wanted and everybody wants their ego stroked. Its just a fact. OK I’ll give you that…only coz I kicked your ass so badly in the previous debate. What? You better bring you “A” game and that wasn’t it … all this AND still delusional!...Suck it up baby, its over…I hate to see a grown man cry…too much hanging with the girls funny boy! Sucking it up is not the issue here either,....just because you married the first man that could tolerate you (sniff sniff smell that?? That’s sarcasm attitude) doesn’t mean we all like I said bring you’re “A” game,..because sticks and stones may break my bones,..but you’re a big fat dufus!!!! So there!! Where the difference lies is in actually dating. And the fact that women ALWAYS want to be around men. Debatable! Hmmmm not always true They will use cliches like “He ‘s like my big brother” Hmmmm wouldn’t want any of my male friends to be like my big brothers Crickey the last thing Wifey or I need is more brothers! It was a simile, you might like being around this guy when you are drinking because he is LIKE your brother,..geeees defensive are we? Honey … you don’t know our brothers…why do you think we’re over achievers at arm to arm combat – not to mention fast runners!! This was a FYI comment….easy daisy… if we’re drinking….a wingman or team leader is on point … not the brothers!!!! We try not to get arrested when possible! Now, this is code for I won’t sleep with him,..but if I get drunk and start a fight or get hit on by a man I am not interested in BIG BROTHER will stomp a mud hole in the poor sucker’s ass. Dude I don’t need a big brother to do that for me – I can take care of myself in a fist fight – have also been know to thump guys if they make inappropriate comments to me - Ditto…I’m just a little more subtle…it must look like an accident…lol! Then there is “Oh he’s harmless” or “just a friend” don’t sleep with my male friends at all never nada zip that is why the are friends That’s the point, think of them that way and only because they have other or know they can’t have you have they resigned to the fact,..unless you’re just can bet you crept into their mind at some point as a MAN I WANT TO DO keep them around because they make you feel good,..they enjoy you and get to stare at your assets and keep their flirt game up....not always true,...but someone in your bunch is that way, on that,...again generalizations here. this is the sweet dude,..that listens to her whine and complain about boyfriends He is the one to watch out for, because he is usually friends with “Big Brother” and when you make her mad and she goes on a bender in a pub,..he is the one most likely to get action, and you will never be the wiser! He will console her, let her cry, keep buying the shots,..and ultimately is trusted enough to get her home safe...his place or hers.…quid pro quo! …sweet dude and big brother (little sister) roles are equally prevalent in both gender groups… mute point! Move on...Okay fair enough!
The plain truth is that women always keep their options open. David David David…we’ve discussed this … if you were any more open with your options you’d have to clone yourself honey!! Okay thats just funny no comment! Men, we could learn something from this,...if we were to compartmentalize like women can. A woman will always have someone standing in line behind you holding the next “now serving” number as if you were in a Delicatessen or Government office. She can and DOES get hit on in some aspect everyday,..and if open enough would get a number any time she showed a remote interest. Guys? This is just a fact, time we realize this. A women has her choice, men only have a chance!
If a girl has guy friends you are supposed to accept it,..since she is a girl (and gets on better with guys). But if you are a guy and say “honey,..I am going out with the girls tonight”, can expect your ass to come home to an empty house. To me this is funny,.....ummmm uhhh but not really. Now this IS an interesting point and one that could be very pertinent to you singleness!...Firstly…you shot yourself in the foot with your original argument as to why you like to hang with women…you completely debugged your own argument… great work David! Your tooooo easy…on sooo many different levels! Secondly…and this is just an observation but I see nothing attractive about a man who likes to hang with women - I don’t see that this would ever be on the list of characteristics that would attract me to a man! ... come on honey…honestly…you and I both know … your chromosome away gay! ROTFL!!!! Exactly my point silly,...its OK for women to hang around the opposite sex as “friends” but if a man does it,..something isn’t right..See 4th or 5th paragraph,.. and thank you for proving a point you debated,..talking about easy!!!! Sweetie…you conceded the point that you hang with women to get laid, defus! That’s means you could potentially quality as a “player”… you didn’t say “I hang with women as I enjoy the intellectual stimulation”…but I’m sure you do! In addition….and there is always an addition….your prima facie argument is that women’s “standards” are hypocritical…by conceding the player point you’ve kinda proven that their concerns may have some relevance in some cases!. This is a brought a knife to a gun fight! Good line…a bit old…but good nonetheless!
I like my men…you know…rugged and manly.. I’m not interested in some pussy who likes to hang out with girls…so to me…it’s a mute point…but this is from my personal perspective only - what say you real women? See here again, like your men (here’s where we need to add a definitions / glossary page – when I say men I am referring to significant other / potential victim as opposed to “the boys”)… you hang around with to be exactly what you would date? (if we hung around with men we wanted to date…why wouldn’t we be dating them?), you select them as friends based on their worthiness of dating, you wouldn’t date a big pussy, but he could be a great friend,.Yes … .you are saying that you select friends based on manliness, ahhhh No – I select partners by manliness… because its what you prefer, seeing as how you have been married so long, this doesn’t really apply to you since you already have a permanent basis for comparison,..but thank you for once again proving my point. Your loosing it now aren’t you! But herein lies the fundamental difference. Girls know if a guy is getting laid.....hmmm tell that to my friend who just found out her boyfriend of two years … was married! She still slept with him and she knew she would before he knew she would. Takes two tot tango, he had nothing to lose and apparently she thought she had something to gain,.....she knew when, he was just testing his luck since he DID have a back-up plan...errr marriage - that’s a bit obscure….but OK I’ll give you that – I think we may be talking at cross purposes here! …a guy can only guess,.....unless he is paying for it....(well don’t we all pay for it at some point both figuratively and literally)
Even Rugbywife isn’t sure of this theory as we have discussed it before, however its only because she doesn’t believe it. what don’t I believe in ? That you as a woman at least here in the states,..could walk into any place and sit down,..and if (and I know this is tough for you Wifey), had an open and approachable posture,...would have your choice of those that will definitely approach you,...we hunt, gather,..its in our genes......we look for you, decide who you keep,..c’mon don’t you ever watch David Attenborough?? All she has to do is walk in a place, where there might be potential mates. Set up camp. Have some open approachable posture. And wait. Last time that happened I met Gigantor and that was very funny for my friends but not for me sorry honey…I might have had hand in that…the one saying…”Hi..Gigantor. this is my friend Wifie”…it was all good until Monday! But yeah…again … really funny! See Wingman Within a few hours she will have as many phone numbers or conversations as she pleases. A man does this and unless he is SUPER HOT, will just appear as a lonely stalker seeking a victim. Yeap…I’ll give you that…
So with all this said, here’s my theory. Women are GOING to hang around men and probably prefer them to women, especially if they are single and even remotely like sports (they may actually like sports,..but its probably a man that turned her on to them, that was chauvinistic, wasn’t it? But alas probably correct in most cases…but that includes brothers…biological not metaphoric!). .hmmmmm I have always liked sport & tend to watch most of it with my sister Rule of thumb,..and that maybe true,...but what are you seeking on your own site????? Hmmmm? A Rugby Hubby for Rugby! And we both know that there are plenty of women who do not watch sports,..BUT will go to a sports bar to watch sports with men,..and have zero interest in it.It’s not like I have have not had them in my groups......Women can be ultra competitive with each other and this may cause bigger problems if single, barring the girl’s night out with her pals. If a women hangs out with another women it will be someone she more than likely feels either smarter than, prettier than, slimmer than, or more single than to make herself look better. Jesus…that’s fuked up…could it be true?…but it does explain why I have so many friends! LOL!!! You bastards! LOL!! Not true for me baby Women will surround themselves with men for protection from other men, nah not true for me (please see above – thank you, I’ll do it myself) I used the wrong terminology there,..hey not a professional by any stretch,....I think it WARDS off advances from others, that when you are watching the game, are not approached,..that can be intimidating,..otherwise you would watch it with your bunch of girls which you may,..but I have rarely run across a group (more than 3) girls watching a game by them selves,..there are always men involved in the group,..couldbe somebodies hubby too,..but the more men the better the likelihood of not being approached,..sometimes you got hat way for that reason! Towatch the game and that’s it!!! Thats was my poorly worded point. But, you still get to be with guys which will act like you are that way,..they may punch each other in the arms,..but won’t you,..SO NO you aren’t one of the guys,..even if you think you are....and may somewhat get treated that way, don’t get the full treatment..... to get told they are funny, sweet, pretty, and just general slap and tickle fun (harmless flirting).
Men take note, too can be one of these men, I mean someone has to do it. But if you do, pick the hottest women you can to hang around. It will increase your stature among competing females, because they will eyeball the women you are with (up and down and real catty like, which may get you some entertainment as the process unfolds). It also shows that you have no problems with women. Have you read what you’ve written!!!…you have serious issues with women honey…it’ll take a truck load of counseling to sort you out! In loving and supportive way! J So you are telling me women DO NOT SIZE EACH OTHER UP? Hell YES…we sooo do!…that’s when you know your looking hot…all men look… can’t help themselves… you get eye fuked by a women… you KNOW your looking HOT!! Biggest compliment you can get…apparently women do dress predominantly for other women…unless of course their slappers…This isn’t an issue, it’s the truth. Next time you go out,..sit where you can watch a woman on a date watch other women come in,..she will look at shoes, hair, make-up,..and sometimes even comment to her date about it....I have been on way tooooo many dates to say that this is not only a fact,..but a fact of life!! There will be the potential for a shag if you’re the sweet guy or the funny one, but it won’t last. Be the pal if you must, but be prepared. If she even remotely likes you more than a friend,..don’t expect her to hook you up with her friend, unless it’s the fat stupid one that makes her feel better. Women don’t share well. And don’t expect her to not smooch on some other dude in front of you either. Hot women will also help you dress better and have better hygiene, since it is inevitable that you want her in some sort of way (because we men are pigs). Ok …that’s funny! This will also increase you chances with other hot women. And it may inadvertently increase your chances with this woman too, especially if she sees other women interested in you. This is not fact,..just rule of thumb! So Dudes, find the hottest girl you don’t have a real chance with and hang out with her, it may not do your sexual health well, but in the long run it may.
In closing I say this: the battle of the sexes is lost at the first shot, women have half the money,..and all the poontang. Men are not seeking the other half of the do the math. If women can do their little tricks, then we must in turn do ours. It’s the only way we even get along. The first shot in this battle has been shot and men,..your damned lucky it didn’t take off your bow. Now shoot back! Good luck and happy dating....personally I think it sucks and will glad to be done with it. Mrs. Dating Dave, where are you? I would love to be Married Dave!
This should get me all kinds of comments and great debate with Rugbywife and Eljay....stay tuned in!
Dating Dave, reporting from State Side
Eljay you rock,..this was fun
David I could happily argue with you for hours…oh yeah…we already do that! Loving your work as always, funny boy.
Heeeeeyyyy above the term "Funny Boy" was used reference I will assume this to be a double term and I AM actually funny as in HA HA funny..... ;-))
Well there you have it,...thought provoking?? Perhaps! Scientific? Doubtful! Full of insight into the fundamental difference between the sexes? You bet!!! I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed putting it togehter.......
Dating Dave
I sent it to Eljay and Wifey for comments.....then they sent it was ON after that....I commented back....this thing turned out to be hilarious,....but I will let you decide.
It goes like this:
Regular post is: White
Eljay comments in: BLUE
Wifey in: PINK
Dating Dave comments to comments in: Green
Unless Wifey or Eljay get lazier (if thats possible) This was written for their blog and will be posted there as well.....I am sure there will be additional commentary before that happens....since you know Editor has privledges.....
ENJOY! Wifey, Eljay, and DatingDave
Hi! I am Dave...from Dating Dave.
I am State side, where the women are the meanest, snobbiest, most evil creatures ever to walk the face of the earth! AAAAnnnnnnnnnddddd I love them for it! I have met women from all over the world. I have dated online, offline, underline, underfire (if psycho NAME WITH HELD gets his way - hee hee) SEEE I tell you way too much and you go in the first sentence and smack me around,......NOT FUNNY! and from the firing line. I consider myself to be pretty well rounded when it comes to their ways.....suffice to say I know even less than I did before I started dating. In fact each date I feel my IQ go down by at least a point....after 18 years of dating or so,....I am barely above a drooling mongrel caveman Neanderthal is a better word – sorry…couldn’t help it…WORD NERD rightto on Neanderthal and really right on WORD NERD…….Okay stop with the strike through its not funny just annoying.....see you have to poke the bear in the cage don’t you......I have a point here!!! ,..who has decided that hitting them on the head with a club is not really such a bad idea if it weren’t illegal.
So then I meet these two lovely ladies (OK…now obviously this guy has never met either of us! Stop laughing and get off the floor!) SEE Can’t even take a compliment without getting emotional!!.SEE can’t even take a joke!...Rugbywife (who I can only assume to be lovely) of course I am and Eljay (Who is not only cute as a button (thank you David, it has been my lives ambition to be described in terms of haberdashery!)It’s a compliment, I like haberdashery , but funny AND smart,....ohhhh yeah AND very taken) via a comment left on my blog by Eljay … Can we leave this out....No we can’t,…facts is facts ma’am!~
. It was during a conversation with Eljay that I found something very telling about women,.....of course it will be something that I will forget when it is time to remember it,..but as of right now...I know it! Okay seeee there you go again,’re just pushing buttons..Strike through removed...
Perhaps this conversation brought home why so few men and women get on,..and so few can keep it that way,.....or maybe it clarified why I love women sooooo much. Eljay made comment that she has basically two rules.....what is acceptable for her behavior in her relationship and what is unacceptable for him (of all the topics we have discussed, usually ad nauseam, you have to select this one…without providing sufficient right of reply….and I am not about to justify my position herein as I have already done so with you!...hmmm private conversations….Good one David…your batting a thousand so far…going off you quite quickly – in loving way- your just like a brother to me honey…ROTFL (rolling on the floor laughing!!!)) See here we go with the emotions again, I repeat something you SAID to make a point, are not the first or last to say it and you get all pissy with me that this, of all comments,...... stuck...I know honey truth hurts sometimes - if I was pissy with you the silence would be deafening – next time I tender a comment I will be sure to append it with a suitably long pin / javelin to ensure the content has “stuck” ;-)). Anger issues, you have big BIG anger issues,...and anger is what??? WHAT???? I CAN’T HEAR YOU!! ITS EMOTION!!!! Kind of like flipping a coin and saying heads I win, tails you lose! Man this is sooo true across the board its not even funny. Fundamental views on the world I guess are so vastly different between men and women it’s a wonder they get along at all.....I am not gay,..but hell I can see WHY it happens....Gees or as you guys say CRICKEY (man, I love that word). we don’t say that !! that’s an Australian comment !! opps…that would be me…sorry Wifey It has been said and probably proven somewhere that men are logical and decide accordingly, where as women are emotional and decide accordingly. That my darling, is TOTAL BULLSHIT!!!! Too bad I am going to have to site studies,..and I thought you were a genius! Yeah…you might have got me there…bite me!
As I have dated on line I have noticed this very thing to be true. Women have their standards on what they accept to be good behavior from a potential mate,..but it’s a bit hypocritical. As I move around the online dating world I see a reoccurring theme. Most girls post in their profile, that they get along better with men than women. Err well DUH! Ya think? Yeah, I get along better with women. As I read profiles I see the same thing. Girls like to make note that they like to hang around men. Yeah! No kidding; for those that haven’t online dated. Now if a man put in his profile that he preferred to hang around women most, one of two things would happen,...he would either start having guys emailing him because its obvious he is sharing cross-dressing tips,...or girls would think he was a player in loose terms. Toughen up buddy and run through the pain!
It goes like this. I like being around women,..not for shopping (which I hate, major ditto!! So you hate answering the “Does my ass look fat in this question too? Hmmm isn’t the answer to that question the same as “So would you like to shag my very hot best friend!” I love to shop! Thank you Wifey, there pfffft and POKE* and NO its not the same as the question would you like to shag my hot best friend....because with that question, you can say no and win points,...with the does my ass look fat in this, matter what you say will piss off the woman.....yes means I’m fat and you don’t like me and you’re a bastard and no means I’m a’s los- lose and I usually just change the subject, this is a fact women,...and if you do not believe it ask your significant other,...unless you have been married for a while and then he will get a certain pleasure from telling you yeah,..your ass is gettin bigger for sure....but I digress ) or make-up tips (which wouldn’t help my sorry ass anyway since I don’t wear make-up). But, because I know how to make them laugh. Making women laugh will get you much booty for sure,.. (So, what your saying is “I like being around women so I can get laid!” – no fuking kidding Einstein!) Remember I am single dufus,... Oh yes …Mr..”I just want to find the love of my life”…given the choice between Ms Right and Ms Right NOW……well in my test subjects….what? well of course I tested my theory…test results proved conclusively that said subjects would opt for SOAS (Sex On A Stick) rather than HWUFPLTH (Hard Work Up Front For Possibly Long Time Happiness) (to see test results please apply to obviously privacy and disclosure requires will be standard…you may also be required to sign a confidentiality agreement.)…obviously getting laid is an issue and being funny is a method in which to achieve aforementioned shagging! You are killing me here this is exactly the argument. Although I must admit in some,...errr most cases you may be right! it will also get your face slapped, bounced out of a bars, and probably in a fist fight or two,...with a mouth like mine you either learn to run fast or fight good! I know how to soak up being one of the dudes they hang around with...if you are good enough looking they will talk about you when you are not around. There is no difference why women hang with men than men with women. Given my paraphrasing of your above argument as to why you like being around women…– obviously, I would have to disagree with your last statement! I spend time with my male friends because…Oh yeah… there my FRIENDS, I genuinely like their company, I don’t spend time with them to make them laugh in order to get them into bed…no doubt the boys will be greatly relieved to hear that! and just quietly…owww! At some point anyone of those men has thought about shagging you,..hate to break it and they may lie,..but be it beer wine,..or the fact you had good cleavage that night it has BEEN thought about, some point they may give up or perhaps you have hot friends,..since you think you might be the troll, (hmmm…nope … definitely not a troll!) but it was a generalized statement sooooo there is latitude in discussion … latitude! my ass…this is a key fundamental statement to this point of your debate! In addition the rest of your comment bears no relevance to the argument and is therefore just white noise! Can’t see the forrest for the trees, huh? Truth is everybody wants to be wanted and everybody wants their ego stroked. Its just a fact. OK I’ll give you that…only coz I kicked your ass so badly in the previous debate. What? You better bring you “A” game and that wasn’t it … all this AND still delusional!...Suck it up baby, its over…I hate to see a grown man cry…too much hanging with the girls funny boy! Sucking it up is not the issue here either,....just because you married the first man that could tolerate you (sniff sniff smell that?? That’s sarcasm attitude) doesn’t mean we all like I said bring you’re “A” game,..because sticks and stones may break my bones,..but you’re a big fat dufus!!!! So there!! Where the difference lies is in actually dating. And the fact that women ALWAYS want to be around men. Debatable! Hmmmm not always true They will use cliches like “He ‘s like my big brother” Hmmmm wouldn’t want any of my male friends to be like my big brothers Crickey the last thing Wifey or I need is more brothers! It was a simile, you might like being around this guy when you are drinking because he is LIKE your brother,..geeees defensive are we? Honey … you don’t know our brothers…why do you think we’re over achievers at arm to arm combat – not to mention fast runners!! This was a FYI comment….easy daisy… if we’re drinking….a wingman or team leader is on point … not the brothers!!!! We try not to get arrested when possible! Now, this is code for I won’t sleep with him,..but if I get drunk and start a fight or get hit on by a man I am not interested in BIG BROTHER will stomp a mud hole in the poor sucker’s ass. Dude I don’t need a big brother to do that for me – I can take care of myself in a fist fight – have also been know to thump guys if they make inappropriate comments to me - Ditto…I’m just a little more subtle…it must look like an accident…lol! Then there is “Oh he’s harmless” or “just a friend” don’t sleep with my male friends at all never nada zip that is why the are friends That’s the point, think of them that way and only because they have other or know they can’t have you have they resigned to the fact,..unless you’re just can bet you crept into their mind at some point as a MAN I WANT TO DO keep them around because they make you feel good,..they enjoy you and get to stare at your assets and keep their flirt game up....not always true,...but someone in your bunch is that way, on that,...again generalizations here. this is the sweet dude,..that listens to her whine and complain about boyfriends He is the one to watch out for, because he is usually friends with “Big Brother” and when you make her mad and she goes on a bender in a pub,..he is the one most likely to get action, and you will never be the wiser! He will console her, let her cry, keep buying the shots,..and ultimately is trusted enough to get her home safe...his place or hers.…quid pro quo! …sweet dude and big brother (little sister) roles are equally prevalent in both gender groups… mute point! Move on...Okay fair enough!
The plain truth is that women always keep their options open. David David David…we’ve discussed this … if you were any more open with your options you’d have to clone yourself honey!! Okay thats just funny no comment! Men, we could learn something from this,...if we were to compartmentalize like women can. A woman will always have someone standing in line behind you holding the next “now serving” number as if you were in a Delicatessen or Government office. She can and DOES get hit on in some aspect everyday,..and if open enough would get a number any time she showed a remote interest. Guys? This is just a fact, time we realize this. A women has her choice, men only have a chance!
If a girl has guy friends you are supposed to accept it,..since she is a girl (and gets on better with guys). But if you are a guy and say “honey,..I am going out with the girls tonight”, can expect your ass to come home to an empty house. To me this is funny,.....ummmm uhhh but not really. Now this IS an interesting point and one that could be very pertinent to you singleness!...Firstly…you shot yourself in the foot with your original argument as to why you like to hang with women…you completely debugged your own argument… great work David! Your tooooo easy…on sooo many different levels! Secondly…and this is just an observation but I see nothing attractive about a man who likes to hang with women - I don’t see that this would ever be on the list of characteristics that would attract me to a man! ... come on honey…honestly…you and I both know … your chromosome away gay! ROTFL!!!! Exactly my point silly,...its OK for women to hang around the opposite sex as “friends” but if a man does it,..something isn’t right..See 4th or 5th paragraph,.. and thank you for proving a point you debated,..talking about easy!!!! Sweetie…you conceded the point that you hang with women to get laid, defus! That’s means you could potentially quality as a “player”… you didn’t say “I hang with women as I enjoy the intellectual stimulation”…but I’m sure you do! In addition….and there is always an addition….your prima facie argument is that women’s “standards” are hypocritical…by conceding the player point you’ve kinda proven that their concerns may have some relevance in some cases!. This is a brought a knife to a gun fight! Good line…a bit old…but good nonetheless!
I like my men…you know…rugged and manly.. I’m not interested in some pussy who likes to hang out with girls…so to me…it’s a mute point…but this is from my personal perspective only - what say you real women? See here again, like your men (here’s where we need to add a definitions / glossary page – when I say men I am referring to significant other / potential victim as opposed to “the boys”)… you hang around with to be exactly what you would date? (if we hung around with men we wanted to date…why wouldn’t we be dating them?), you select them as friends based on their worthiness of dating, you wouldn’t date a big pussy, but he could be a great friend,.Yes … .you are saying that you select friends based on manliness, ahhhh No – I select partners by manliness… because its what you prefer, seeing as how you have been married so long, this doesn’t really apply to you since you already have a permanent basis for comparison,..but thank you for once again proving my point. Your loosing it now aren’t you! But herein lies the fundamental difference. Girls know if a guy is getting laid.....hmmm tell that to my friend who just found out her boyfriend of two years … was married! She still slept with him and she knew she would before he knew she would. Takes two tot tango, he had nothing to lose and apparently she thought she had something to gain,.....she knew when, he was just testing his luck since he DID have a back-up plan...errr marriage - that’s a bit obscure….but OK I’ll give you that – I think we may be talking at cross purposes here! …a guy can only guess,.....unless he is paying for it....(well don’t we all pay for it at some point both figuratively and literally)
Even Rugbywife isn’t sure of this theory as we have discussed it before, however its only because she doesn’t believe it. what don’t I believe in ? That you as a woman at least here in the states,..could walk into any place and sit down,..and if (and I know this is tough for you Wifey), had an open and approachable posture,...would have your choice of those that will definitely approach you,...we hunt, gather,..its in our genes......we look for you, decide who you keep,..c’mon don’t you ever watch David Attenborough?? All she has to do is walk in a place, where there might be potential mates. Set up camp. Have some open approachable posture. And wait. Last time that happened I met Gigantor and that was very funny for my friends but not for me sorry honey…I might have had hand in that…the one saying…”Hi..Gigantor. this is my friend Wifie”…it was all good until Monday! But yeah…again … really funny! See Wingman Within a few hours she will have as many phone numbers or conversations as she pleases. A man does this and unless he is SUPER HOT, will just appear as a lonely stalker seeking a victim. Yeap…I’ll give you that…
So with all this said, here’s my theory. Women are GOING to hang around men and probably prefer them to women, especially if they are single and even remotely like sports (they may actually like sports,..but its probably a man that turned her on to them, that was chauvinistic, wasn’t it? But alas probably correct in most cases…but that includes brothers…biological not metaphoric!). .hmmmmm I have always liked sport & tend to watch most of it with my sister Rule of thumb,..and that maybe true,...but what are you seeking on your own site????? Hmmmm? A Rugby Hubby for Rugby! And we both know that there are plenty of women who do not watch sports,..BUT will go to a sports bar to watch sports with men,..and have zero interest in it.It’s not like I have have not had them in my groups......Women can be ultra competitive with each other and this may cause bigger problems if single, barring the girl’s night out with her pals. If a women hangs out with another women it will be someone she more than likely feels either smarter than, prettier than, slimmer than, or more single than to make herself look better. Jesus…that’s fuked up…could it be true?…but it does explain why I have so many friends! LOL!!! You bastards! LOL!! Not true for me baby Women will surround themselves with men for protection from other men, nah not true for me (please see above – thank you, I’ll do it myself) I used the wrong terminology there,..hey not a professional by any stretch,....I think it WARDS off advances from others, that when you are watching the game, are not approached,..that can be intimidating,..otherwise you would watch it with your bunch of girls which you may,..but I have rarely run across a group (more than 3) girls watching a game by them selves,..there are always men involved in the group,..couldbe somebodies hubby too,..but the more men the better the likelihood of not being approached,..sometimes you got hat way for that reason! Towatch the game and that’s it!!! Thats was my poorly worded point. But, you still get to be with guys which will act like you are that way,..they may punch each other in the arms,..but won’t you,..SO NO you aren’t one of the guys,..even if you think you are....and may somewhat get treated that way, don’t get the full treatment..... to get told they are funny, sweet, pretty, and just general slap and tickle fun (harmless flirting).
Men take note, too can be one of these men, I mean someone has to do it. But if you do, pick the hottest women you can to hang around. It will increase your stature among competing females, because they will eyeball the women you are with (up and down and real catty like, which may get you some entertainment as the process unfolds). It also shows that you have no problems with women. Have you read what you’ve written!!!…you have serious issues with women honey…it’ll take a truck load of counseling to sort you out! In loving and supportive way! J So you are telling me women DO NOT SIZE EACH OTHER UP? Hell YES…we sooo do!…that’s when you know your looking hot…all men look… can’t help themselves… you get eye fuked by a women… you KNOW your looking HOT!! Biggest compliment you can get…apparently women do dress predominantly for other women…unless of course their slappers…This isn’t an issue, it’s the truth. Next time you go out,..sit where you can watch a woman on a date watch other women come in,..she will look at shoes, hair, make-up,..and sometimes even comment to her date about it....I have been on way tooooo many dates to say that this is not only a fact,..but a fact of life!! There will be the potential for a shag if you’re the sweet guy or the funny one, but it won’t last. Be the pal if you must, but be prepared. If she even remotely likes you more than a friend,..don’t expect her to hook you up with her friend, unless it’s the fat stupid one that makes her feel better. Women don’t share well. And don’t expect her to not smooch on some other dude in front of you either. Hot women will also help you dress better and have better hygiene, since it is inevitable that you want her in some sort of way (because we men are pigs). Ok …that’s funny! This will also increase you chances with other hot women. And it may inadvertently increase your chances with this woman too, especially if she sees other women interested in you. This is not fact,..just rule of thumb! So Dudes, find the hottest girl you don’t have a real chance with and hang out with her, it may not do your sexual health well, but in the long run it may.
In closing I say this: the battle of the sexes is lost at the first shot, women have half the money,..and all the poontang. Men are not seeking the other half of the do the math. If women can do their little tricks, then we must in turn do ours. It’s the only way we even get along. The first shot in this battle has been shot and men,..your damned lucky it didn’t take off your bow. Now shoot back! Good luck and happy dating....personally I think it sucks and will glad to be done with it. Mrs. Dating Dave, where are you? I would love to be Married Dave!
This should get me all kinds of comments and great debate with Rugbywife and Eljay....stay tuned in!
Dating Dave, reporting from State Side
Eljay you rock,..this was fun
David I could happily argue with you for hours…oh yeah…we already do that! Loving your work as always, funny boy.
Heeeeeyyyy above the term "Funny Boy" was used reference I will assume this to be a double term and I AM actually funny as in HA HA funny..... ;-))
Well there you have it,...thought provoking?? Perhaps! Scientific? Doubtful! Full of insight into the fundamental difference between the sexes? You bet!!! I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed putting it togehter.......
Dating Dave
Enjoyed the banter, you all obviously get along well. :)
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