Saturday, October 15, 2005


Updated "That Girl Post"
Eharm Match response to my reply to her last email,..I am pretty sure this is how it went, you never know what someone is looking for, but since she didn't respond to me on Eharm after the last stage and since she is vague in her replies on match,..I have written it off....too bad,....I'd say we would probably have a good time in person....together,..but then again she may think I look like a troll...Chemistry sucked in college and its sucks now!!!

The Nurse: She has been trying the last two nights to get in touch with me,..I have obviosuly been pre-occupied with That Girl,.....never know when two ships pass and only waive to one another.....I emailed her back with an excuse as to why I will not be emailing for a while,.....if That Girl continues on THAT WAY, then who knows....

Mini Golf and Go Carts: Steph has been emailing and calling,...but it is rarely more than friendly idle chit-chat....she already told me no chemistry, no loss here, but why is she trying to even stay in contact????

More this week!!!
The Fighter in Me
Samsonite: For All Your Baggage Needs!
Break-up, Make-up


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OKAY, we can only assume since you were MIA this weekend that you were with 'THAT GIRL" or should I say "YOUR DOMINATRIX". You have really disapointed me on this one buddy. i thought you had more pride than that. oh well, guess we won't see you again until she pees on you "one" more time. luv ya sweetie but this one has got to go.

10/17/2005 08:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude - I don't know about the rest of the Committee Members but I'm exhausted...I can barely type...Your love life is sooo intensely exhausting...I love the fact that I'm married and don't have to bother with all the's nuts out there !!!

BTW - "THAT GIRL" needs to be "SPLAT GIRL"...I don't mean run her over or anything..just get rid of it...too much drama...drama sucks.


10/17/2005 09:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, finally people agree that you are a wus. you need to grow some balls and tell "that girl"o hit the road. you totally disappear when she comes around. i and i am sure none of the other committee members have heard from you since you found true love again with that girl. c-mon grow some buddy. still luv ya, but your drainin me!!

10/18/2005 10:36:00 AM  

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