Friday, April 28, 2006

Busy, But Updating

Sorry for the lack of posts.....been busier than a three legged cat burying a turd on a frozen lake for the past several weeks....

The Cubana Saga ends tonight, soon as I can blog about it I will wrap it up, has all of the tales of misfortune, great luck, bad luck, miscommunication, irony, fun, and torture that all good dating/love stories should not in love, never made it that far,.....but it has certainly turned out to be a tale of damned if you do, damned if you don't. I pick her up at the airport at 11 and we have agreed that this has to be the last time we see each other most likely forever....sad story really....Certainly for the better. This one has been the biggest soap opera of them all,..yep even soapier (is that a word??) than "Thatgirl"

No truer statement has been made than "What a tangled web we weave, when we practice to deceive!"

Updates coming including "Introducing Lexus" newest of the dates, actually occurred a week ago,..but I had a b-day tossed in there as well as some drama....with a hint of passion....WTF? So I will introduce Lexus to the mix and "Shy" another new meet.....but unlikely to be a date....

MySpace Update: In my quest to at least meet as many women as possible to widen t he pool of candidates......I have now emailed 43 different women,..using all of my charm and wit errrr sometimes displayed here ;-) Most times not!!!! In writing them emails to foster communication...of those only one replied....damn I must be uglier than I think....naaaaaahhhh,...maybe I'm not as funny or creative as I think??? Naaaah can't be that, I even crack me up! Soooo what is it.....

So up to the date tally:
  • 43 contacts made on my part only 1 reply
  • 4 new contacts made with me by them 2 still ongoing
When I make contact with new women on Myspace,..its not at all implying dating however,...I do only email those who have, "Dating, Relationships" as part of their profile....but I email them friendly not "Date Me Dammit" stalker like,.....but judging by some of the women I know on MySpace,..they get bombarded by emails from men,..and I mean bombarded, while your email may be read it one of many,....I think I am going to try to develop a form letter of some sort, that I just fill in the blanks of why I am contacting them like "Hey I like that band too" or whatever....haven't decided. What I have noticed though is that like every other situation where a man is trying to meet women,....they get to decide, not you....unless you are so incredibly hot or have money pouring out of your pockets, have to find a major way to stand out....Thank God my poor ugly ass is least I have my way to stand out nailed,..problem is.....I have to actually be in or near a conversation witht he target/victim, actually be funny....being laughed at (which can happen from across the room) is vastly different than being laughed with.

Not so long ago,..when I first began dating again, post "Indy" time frame 2002 (my live in gf or 5 years) I was tired of writing email after email after email,...I was online dating at the time, I actually developed a Dating Resume.....I must say it was one of my finest pieces of work to date,...somehow though, the best version has been misplaced. I think I may redevelop it....I'll post it here for comments once done....then I may just start sending that out,..since dating is like applying for a job, right? and First impressions, ethnicity, skills, and back ground matter even more and there is no Equal Opportunity Commission for dating to protect and give all a fair chance, have to be spot on first try....the interview or even cover letter must be flawless...
So I think I will get on that today if I free up.
The beauty of the resume is that it is so spoofed and satirical and most all unique it has worked every time used,..even if its just an email back from HR (potential date) that I don't want to date you,..but that was funny,..forwarded it to a friend that may......which has happened once....

Originally when I did the "Dating Resume" it was because I met a very pretty somewhat single woman who happened to be HR (Human Resources) for the local public library (I called her the Hot Librarian, She called me Hot Wine Guy, since when we met I bought her a glass of wine). I managed to get a phone number and email,..but work only,...from her.....I decided what better way to ask her out than to apply for a date.....I didn't get a date....she was living with her soon to be ex,...but it wasn't quite over yet. We stayed in touch for weeks, even as she moved out,..but there was baggage since she just left a long term live in.....anyway....had I caught her 6 months later with it,..I guarantee I would have been "hired".

i will post some other posts today, as I feel like it....still a little bummed over the end of Cubana, it will totally depend on my mood. Funny how we can meet all the right people, but be totally at the wrong place at the wrong time...for it to work out.....oh well thus is life....I think of how often I have been at the right time and the right place with the wrong person, and I am not sure which is worse...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

are you right swingstein..but in dave's defense its so very hard when you dont want to burn your bridges...your head says one thing and your heart says another..youll be alright dave there are "plenty of fish in the sea" then there is also the silent "OH MY GAWD"!

5/02/2006 08:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is for the best Dave. Cubana was not good enough for you. If it was meant to be then it would have already been

5/03/2006 12:46:00 PM  

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